T-45C TS
CR-02; ADV & IUT
Course Rules
25. You descend to 1600 ft MSL by the numbers
aligning the aircraft slightly to the right of the runway
for the break. At the numbers you call tower:
Bravo Tower, SHAD 135,
numbers for the Break
BRAVO Tower:
Roger SHAD 135, your interval
the T-2C on downwind at mid-
26. You successfully enter the pattern complete the
landing checklist, make all required crosswind/
abeam pattern calls and complete 2 touch and go
landings. On downwind for the third touch and go
you tune the secondary radio to NMM ATIS and
monitor information PAPA. NMM is still landing
runway 19L. As you begin your crosswind turn for
your last touch and go, you contact Tower:
BRAVO Tower, 135 will be
to Navy McCain after the next
BRAVO Tower:
Roger, 135 clearance on request
27. On downwind Tower calls:
135, Tower, have your clearance,
advise when ready to copy
You respond:
Tower 135, ready to copy
NAVY 1 ALPHA 135, cleared
direct to the Navy Meridian airport
maintain 3000. After takeoff fly
runway heading. Passing 1500,
turn left heading 070, contact
276.4. Squawk 1600
Original (05-98)
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