T-45C TS
CR-02; ADV & IUT
Course Rules
Sg 7, fr 2
Fig 45: NMM to MOA
Figure 45: NMM TO MOA
11. Passing 3000 ft MSL you perform your 3000 ft
checks and observe that the visibility is better than 3
miles and cloud coverage between present position
and FOGGY is nil
You call Departure Control,
Departure, SHAD 135 is VMC
requesting direct FOGGY
12. Departure responds:
Roger SHAD 135 no reported
traffic, cleared direct FOGGY,
contact Memphis Center now on
13 You roger Departure Control and select button 5
(Memphis Center) on the second radio and call:
Memphis Center, SHAD 135,
passing 7000 for 10,000
14. Center responds:
Roger, SHAD 135, have you
radar contact, maintain 10,000.
cleared into area 4
Original (05-98)
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