T-45C TS
CR-02; ADV & IUT
Course Rules
“SHAD 135 at FOGGY radar
service terminated. Center has
five aircraft currently working Area
Contact Memphis Center this
15. Complete the 10,000 ft Checklist/15 Minute report.
You are now within Meridian 1 West just west of
Highway 45 in the CLIMB CORRIDOR SOA. You
make your area check-in call:
“99 Area 4, SHAD 135 entering
from FOGGY for Brooksville”
As the five aircraft respond with call signs and
SOA’s they are working, you discover that there is a
conflict with working in Brooksville SOA (it is being
worked by another aircraft). You also learn that the
Sturgis SOA is clear. You opt for Sturgis
16. You turn east to make sure you are east of Highway
45 to climb above 10,000. Within CLIMB
CORRIDOR you execute a climbing turn toward
Sturgis. You must plan your climb to be at 17,500
MSL by the time you pass south of OLF Alpha. At
17,500 you are in the top layer of the MOA, and can
transit directly to Sturgis
NOTE: Avoid R-4404 at all times.
17 Once within the boundaries of Sturgis you make the
following call:
“99 Area 4, SHAD 135 established
in Sturgis”
18. After completing your high work within the
boundaries of Sturgis SOA, you need to get 4 touch
and go landings at OLF BRAVO before returning to
NMM. You select NMM ATIS and obtain BRAVO
Field information [KILO] on your secondary radio
Original (05-98)
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