T-45C TS
CR-02; ADV & IUT
Course Rules
Monitor ATIS button 30
Information DELTA: Meridian area weather 3500
scattered to broken visibility 3 miles in haze,
altimeter 29.89
Request clearance on button 1--
Shad 135, request clearance
Clearance Delivery Rogers stating that your
clearance is on request. Your call sign identified you
as an aircraft scheduled for an Area 4 sortie and a
DANCY RWY 19 LID is on request
Engine start is uneventful. You complete your taxi
checklist as clearance delivery calls with your
Shad 135 is cleared to the
Meridian 1 West MOA via DANCY
RWY 19 departure, climb/maintain
7000, expect 10,000 ten minutes
after departure, squawk 4135
Having completed the taxi checklist you call Ground
control on button 2 for taxi clearance:
McCain ground, SHAD 135, taxi
with information DELTA
Ground clears you:
SHAD 135, McCain Ground,
youre cleared to taxi Runway
19R, altimeter 29.90
Note that the altimeter has increased since the
information Delta was recorded
You taxi through the ramp area and make your
outbound call on button 29
Original (05-98)
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