27 September 2004
a. Primary Graduation Selection. The Navy student with the
highest overall Primary SNFO grade is guaranteed first choice of
pipeline quotas available. All other selections are based on
service needs, student preference, and maintaining a quality
spread. Assignment to Intermediate SNFO or Joint Navigator
training is based on an overall Primary SNFO grade. This grade is
a composite of all Primary test, simulator and flight events,
weighted equally.
b. Intermediate Graduation Selection. The Navy student with
the highest overall Intermediate SNFO grade is guaranteed first
choice of pipeline quotas available. All other selections are
based on service needs, student preference, and maintaining a
quality spread. Assignment to Advanced SNFO or ATDS training is
based on overall Intermediate SNFO grade. This grade is a
composite of all Intermediate academic, simulator and flight
events, weighted equally.
c. Core Completion Selection. The Navy/Marine Corps student
with the highest overall Core Composite grade is guaranteed first
choice of pipeline quotas available. All other selections are
based on service needs and student preference. Assignment to
Advanced Strike or Strike Fighter training is based on Core
Composite grade. This grade is computed using the formula below:
PA = Primary Academic NSS
PS = Primary Simulator NSS
IA = Intermediate Academic NSS
IS = Intermediate Simulator NSS
AA = Advanced Academic NSS
AS = Advanced Simulator NSS
PF = Primary Flight NSS
IF = Intermediate Flight NSS
AF = Advanced Flight NSS