Chapter I. IntroductionTraining Time Out PolicyMedical and Psychological Evaluation of InstructorsChapter II. Assignment to TrainingSNP Pipeline Assignment CriteriaSNA Pipeline Assignment ProcessSNFO Assignment CriteriaSNFO Pipeline Assignment ProcessChapter III. Training and Qualification JacketsNumber SystemCustody of the ATJsTime Limitations for Transmission of ATJsATJ Close-OutChanges to CNATRA ATJ FormsProcurement of FormsChapter IV. Academic TrainingCourse WeightAcademic Training AccreditationChapter V. International TrainingResponsibilitiesNAVAVSCOLSCOM and TRAWING IMSOTraining programCountry Liaison Officer (CLO)Country Liaison Officer (CLO)-cont.Administrative ProceduresMedical.Attrition of International Military StudentsCertificates of CompletionCompletion Report.Aviation Training Jackets (ATJ)Informational Program (IP)Chapter VI. Scheduling and Conduct of Training FlightsTraining Delays and Warm-Up EventsTraining Delays and Warm-Up Events-cont.Change of InstructorsStandardizationDebriefAdding Items to an EventMedical Delays-cont.Medical Delays-cont.Medical Delays-cont.Medical Delays-cont.Summary of Medical Delay Milestones, and Action RequiredChapter VII. Performance Measurement, Standards, and DocumentationConcepts of MeasurementGrading ConsiderationsInstructor Preparation of Student Aviation Training Forms (ATFs)Complete or IncompleteSpecial MarksGrading ProceduresWarm-Up and Extra Time GradingSpecial Progress CheckStage Marginal (Mid-Stage and End-Of-Stage)Marginal Performance DispositionEnd-Of-Phase MarginalEnd-Of-Phase UnsatisfactoryChapter VIII. Failure to Maintain Required Standards Unsatisfactory Performance Administrative ProceduresConditionally Returned to TrainingProgress Review Board (PRB) ActionConduct of PRBsAttriteRetain ConditionallyActions, Reports, and Records of PRBsFailure to Maintain Required Standards at NAVAVSCOLSCOMProcedures for Attrition - Pursuant to Section 814 and 815Procedures for Attrition - Pursuant to Section 814 and 815-cont.Table VIII-1 Administration of Unsatisfactory Events at NAVAVSCOLSCOMTable VIII-2. Administration of Unsatisfactory Events after NAVAVSCOLSCOMFlowchart for the Administration of Unsatisfactory Events After NAVAVSCOLSCOMExtra Training for International Military StudentsChapter IX. Training, Transfers, Separations, and DesignationStudent Naval Pilot to Student Naval Flight OfficerStudent Naval Flight Officer to Student Naval AviatorSNFO Training Acceleration Program (TAP)Pipeline Change ProceduresPipeline Change Procedures-cont.Commanding Officer's InterviewMedical AttritionsPost Attrition InterviewReporting AttritionsPosthumous DesignationAssignment of Newly Designated AviatorsNavy Maritime and Strike Student PilotsProgram Change FlowchartProgram Change Flowchart-cont.Pipeline Change Flow ChartChapter X. Officer Student Fitness Reports and Enlisted EvaluationsU.S. Coast Guard OfficersChapter XI. Naval Aviation Cadet (NAVCAD) AdministrationCurfewsCivilian accessionOther Service AccessionsAppendix A. List of FormsAppendix A. List of Forms-cont.CNATRA 1540/23-206 and 1542/256-1695 Aviation Training Forms (ATFs)Flight Time Log SectionCNATRA-GEN 1542/12 - Weekly CalendarCNATRA-GEN 1542/16 - Supplementary Jacket FormCNATRA 1542/90 Pink Sheet SummaryCNATRA 1542/101 - Advanced Academic TrainingCNATRA 1542/106 - LSO Trend Analysis SummaryCNATRA 1542/602 -Intermediate Academic Training (NFO)CNATRA 1542/609 - Aviation Tactical Data System (ATDS) Academic TrainingAppendix B. List of Training Report RequirementsNaval Aviation Officer Training Completion Report RCS CNATRA 1210-1Program Change Request, SNP TO SNFO/SNFO TO SNP, RCS CNATRA 1330-1Instructions for the Completion of Student Estimated Completion Date Report, RCS CNATRA 1500-07State Grade Averages and Percentile Ranking Format RCS CNATRA 1500-9SNP Pipeline Assignment (RCS CNATRA 1520-1)Request for Pipeline Change, RCS CNATRA 1520-2Separation from Training, RCS CNATRA 1900-2IMS Trainee Failure Deficiency /ECD Change Report, RCS OPNAV 4950-13Completion Work Sheet FormatCasualty Report Format (Priority Message)Sample Invitational Travel Order (ITO) EndorsementITO Endorsement FormatITO Endorsement Format-cont.Choices for Optional ParagraphsAppendix CAppendix D. Attrition CodesAcademic AttritesNon-Academic AttritesAdministrativeMedical-cont.Medical-cont.Medical-cont.LegalPhysical Fraudulent EnlistmentDisenrollmentFlight FailurePsychiatric SuicidalAppendix E. Standard DeviationsAlternate Method for Computing Standard DeviationThe Navy Standard ScoreExample Conversion TableAppendix F. ATJ Construction Format Pilot ATJ Form - Left SidePilot ATJ Format - Right SideNFO ATJ Format - Left SideNFO ATJ Format - Right SideAppendix G. GlossaryAppendix G. Glossary-cont.Appendix G. Glossary-cont.Appendix G. Glossary-cont.Appendix G. Glossary-cont.Appendix G. Glossary-cont.Appendix G. Glossary-cont.Appendix H. IndexAppendix H. Index-cont.Appendix H. Index-cont.Appendix H. Index-cont.Appendix H. Index-cont.Appendix H. Index-cont.Student Naval Aviator Training and Administration Manual (Short Title TA