27 September 2004
200. PILOT TRAINING COURSES. The Naval Undergraduate Pilot
Training (UPT) Program provides six training courses to
accomplish the total pilot production requirements. Specialized
training produces qualified pilots to meet the needs of fleet
missions associated with tactical jet (carrier), jet (land
based), multi-engine turboprop (carrier), multi-engine turboprop
(land based), helicopter, and tiltrotor. Training which is
common for all student naval aviators (SNAs) commences with the
start of Preflight and terminates with the completion of the
Primary phase. Upon completing Primary, students are assigned to
the Advanced Strike, Advanced E-6, Advanced Maritime, Advanced
Helicopter, Intermediate E2/C2 or Advanced Tiltrotor (Multi-
engine) phase.
a. Authority to grant waivers from curriculum requirements
rests with CNATRA unless this authority is delegated to the
training air wing (TRAWING) commanders, Commanding Officer (CO),
NAVAVSCOLSCOM, or squadron COs. A copy of all curriculum waivers
granted by TRAWING commanders or squadron COs shall be sent to
CNATRA (N31). Waivers requiring CNATRA endorsement shall be sent
to the appropriate CNATRA curriculum manager and shall include
the following information:
(1) Name
(2) Events or curriculum requirements to be waived
(3) Reason(s) for waiver request
b. Waivers of age and physical requirements require approval
by the Navy Personnel Command (COMNAVPERSCOM), Commandant of the
Marine Corps (CMC), or Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED).
Naval Operational Medicine Institute (NAVOPMEDINST) (NOMI Code
14) makes the final recommendation concerning fitness to continue
not physically qualified (NPQ) or not aeronautically adaptable
(NAA) to COMNAVPERSCOM. Units shall submit separation from
training reports, Report Control Symbol [RCS] CNATRA 1900-2 (see
Appendix B), immediately upon receipt of the fitness to continue
message indicating NPQ or NAA status.
c. For cases where NOMI has completed a flight physical but
cannot issue an aeromedical clearance notice, NAVMED 6410/2,
pending administrative processing, NOMI may certify the candidate
physically qualified to commence initial training utilizing NOMI