TACAN and VOR Procedures
Aircraft control
COMMON ERROR: Poor aircraft control may occur from devoting
too much attention to the navigation instruments and too little to the
basic flight instruments.
(1) At FAF
(a) Extend speed brakes
(b) Lower nose to establish a rate of descent (not to exceed
1,000 fpm) that will ensure reaching MDA prior to MAP.
Adjust power as necessary to reach MDA and adjust nose
attitude as necessary to maintain on-speed AOA
COMMON ERROR: Generally, you should not exceed the
1,000 fpm rate of descent during the final portion of
approach. If the approach requires a higher rate of descent,
advise your IP prior to exceeding the 1,000 fpm rate.
(c) Use normal lead point (10% of VSI) for level off at MDA
COMMON ERROR: Concentrating on not descending below
the MDA may cause you to overcompensate and level off
above the published MDA.
(2) At MDA
(a) Maintain altitude
(b) Begin "inside/outside" scan before reaching MAP
COMMON ERROR: Concentrating too much on instruments
and not looking for the runway environment until reaching
MAP. A normal glidepath to the runway will intersect the
MDA before the MAP.
(c) Make transition to visual approach if able
(3) At MAP: execute missed approach if runway environment is not
in sight or if you determine that a safe landing cannot be made
(03-97) Original
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