18 May 1999
(1) Commanding Officer's Interview. The loss of a student
from the flight training program who has the capability of
becoming an aviator, or the induction into the program of
students who are unlikely to complete flight training represents
a needless waste of valuable assets, time, and effort. Often
the reason(s) given by a student is not the actual or the
complete motivating factor for the DOR. It is incumbent upon
the commanding officer, in the interview with a student
requesting a DOR, to make a reasonable effort to determine the
(a) Does the student desire to change programs or to DOR?
(b) What is the real motivation for the DOR action?
(c) Are the reasons for the DOR valid?
(d) Should the student be retained?
1. If not, is there anything about the case that
points to a trait or factor which might preclude retaining this
person in another flight training program?
2. If student retention is warranted, are there
actions that could be conducted (counseling by the chaplain,
flight surgeon, legal officer, psychiatrist, etcetera;
administrative relief such as leave, change of instructor or
special handling or assistance) which might alleviate the
difficulties and thus eliminate the perceived need to DOR? Are
such actions justified in view of the impact that it would have
upon the flight training program and upon other students? The
commanding officer may refer the student to an interview with a
psychiatrist, chaplain, etcetera, when such action is warranted.
3. Is the decision to DOR based on a particular
causal factor encountered during training which may lead other
students to DOR? If so, can a change be made to alleviate this
factor without adversely affecting the entire flight training
(2) Post-Interview Procedures
(a) If, after the commanding officer's interview, the
student still desires to DOR, the commanding officer (other than
the Commanding Officer, NAVAVSCOLSCOM and Commanding Officer,
NAVAIRTU, Randolph) shall refer the student to the COMTRAWING
for disposition. The commanding officer's endorsement is added
to the student's ATJ on a Supplementary Jacket Form. The ATJ is
then closed out and hand-carried to the TRAWING in accordance
with Chapter III.
(b) The commanding officer's interview need be only as
detailed as required to satisfy the commanding officer that the
student understands or has been made aware of the consequences
of his actions, that the student really desires to DOR, and that
either the reasons for the DOR are known or that further
questioning is unlikely to reveal additional information about
the cause of the DOR.