8 March 2005
MATSG CO disapproves the request, the pipeline change shall be
denied by CNATRA.
(4) Upon receipt, CNATRA (N3) shall conduct a quality
review of all pipeline change requests. After a thorough review
of the students package, N3 will consult with CNATRA (N5) on
seat availability and impacts on specific pipeline loading of
any change request. CNATRA (N5) will determine which TRAWING
should gain the student. CNATRA (N3) determines final
disposition of all pipeline changes and contacts gaining and
losing TRAWING NLT three working days after receipt.
(5) In the case of Marine students, CNATRA (N3) will
forward approved pipeline change requests for final adjudication
to Department of Aviation (ASM), Headquarters Marine Corps
(HQMC). Exception: Marine students determined to be non-
aeronautically adaptable (NAA) for further Strike training and
who meet all other requirements contained in paragraph 903, may
be granted a pipeline change without HQMC (ASM) approval.
904. SEPARATION FROM TRAINING. A student may be separated from
training for reasons detailed in Appendix D. All attrites and a
minimum of 10 percent of completers from each Phase of training
shall complete an attrition survey as a part of their check-out
from student control. Copies of the survey may be obtained from
the Commanding Officer, Naval Operational Medicine Institute
(Code 412), Naval Air Station, Pensacola, FL 32508-1047.
Completed surveys and answer sheets are to be returned to the
same address.
a. Drop On Request (DOR). A student desiring to drop from the
flight training program submits a written request on a
Supplementary Jacket Form, CNATRA-GEN 1542/16, detailing the
reasons for the DOR. This request should clearly indicate the
student's desire regarding the DOR. The request is submitted to
the TRAWING and becomes a permanent part of the ATJ. If a
student is being processed for PRB/TRB action, direct referral,
IPC/FPC or any other administrative action, the DOR shall take