18 May 1999
(c) The dates of the Flight Surgeon, Chaplain and/or
Country Liaison Officer interview shall be annotated in the
remarks section of the Naval Aviator Aviation Training Jacket
(ATJ) Summary Card, CNATRA 1542/95.
(4) Obligated Service
(a) Officers attrited from the flight-training program
are obligated as stated in their contracts.
(b) The Navy Personnel Command (COMNAVPERSCOM) may
honorably discharge officers. It should be emphasized to these
officers that the discharge represents a complete severance and
they no longer have any affiliation with the Naval Service.
e. Reporting Attritions. Delays in reporting attritions are
costly in terms of dollars and manpower. NAVAIRTU, Randolph,
NAVAVSCOLSCOM, and TRAWINGs are required to report attritions
within 5 working days to NPC-433E with a copy submitted to CNATRA
(N321). Fax an advanced copy to NPC-433E. Submission of SEPTRA
letters will not be delayed awaiting student documentation, i.e.
student documentation or college transcripts. Elapsed time from
submission of attrition report to final NPC disposition should
not exceed 30 days. Close liaison between cognizant commanders
and NPC is necessary to ensure the 30-day administrative
processing time is met.
(1) USN and USNR Officers. Submit the Separation from
Training Report, RCS CNATRA 1900-2, as in Appendix B. Each
student may request three designators. Officers requesting
Special Warfare or Special Operations are required only to
complete the physical fitness portion of the diving physical
(MILPERSMAN 1410380) prior to submission to NPC. Completion of
the entire physical will be directed by NPC for candidates
selected into those designators.
(a) USNA/NROTC graduates with regular commissions,
physically qualified for Unrestricted Line (URL), will be
considered for other URL designators only.
1. USN officer designator change request should be
limited to two URL designators.
2. USN officers not physically qualified for URL
should be limited to two RL/Staff change requests.
(b) USNR officer designator change requests should be
limited to two URL designators and one RL/Staff designator.
(2) Medical Attritions. NAVOPMEDINST (NOMI Code 14) makes
the final recommendation concerning fitness to continue
(NPQ/NAA) for students to NPC. Since NPC routinely accepts that
recommendation, units should submit Separation from Training
Reports, RCS CNATRA 1900-2, for NPQ/NAA students immediately
upon receipt of the fitness to continue message.