17 NOVEMBER 1999
and initial all grade corrections which affect his/her training
707. COMPLETE OR INCOMPLETE. Every event shall be marked
complete or incomplete. For students in the Multi-Service Pilot
Training System Curriculum, CNATRAINST 1542.140, specific
provisions of that instruction define the criteria for sortie
completion and procedures for marking a sortie as incomplete.
a. Complete. For an event to be considered complete, all
items on the ATF, and in the MCG, shall be accomplished. No
student shall complete any phase of training (Primary,
Intermediate, Advanced) with less than the total published
curriculum events and hours, unless waived by the appropriate
authority. Documentation of any waiver to the curriculum shall
be included in the ATJ.
b. Incomplete. Any training event which fails to meet the
criteria for completion above shall be marked incomplete. The
event will be considered incomplete until the missed items are
accomplished on the next or subsequent flights (see paragraph
602) and an ATF stating so is entered into the ATJ. The only
exception to this is an extra time event in which the completion
of every curriculum graded item is not required when the student
has demonstrated proficiency on most items and it is determined
that their performance can best be improved by focusing on those
items in which they are deficient.
(1) The use of "incomplete" does not preclude the grading
of an event as "unsatisfactory" (see paragraph 708.b).
(2) If the event completes a previously incomplete event,
only those items that were not previously accomplished will be
graded. The student is not to receive multiple grades for
previously accomplished items unless such items were
exceptionally well done (AA) or warrant a below average (BA) or
an unsatisfactory (U).
(3) Headwork, procedures, and basic airwork shall be graded
on the ATF on which the majority of items were graded.
(4) Incompleting events in order to provide extra time is
708. SATISFACTORY OR UNSATISFACTORY. Every training event is
marked satisfactory or unsatisfactory. For students in the
Multi-Service Pilot Training System Curriculum, CNATRAINST
1542.140, specific provisions of that instruction are applicable.
a. Satisfactory. A satisfactory event is a training event
during which the student demonstrates flight training progress to
the extent that he can be expected to succeed on the subsequent
event in stage. An incomplete event is considered to be
satisfactory unless it is marked unsatisfactory.
b. Unsatisfactory. An unsatisfactory event is an academic,
simulator, or flight event in which any of the following has