17 NOVEMBER 1999
a. The squadron average, used for marginal designation and for
calculating the student's NSS, shall be calculated monthly using
the grades from all students completing the respective stage or
phase during the previous six months or the last 60 students
whichever number is greater. The student's phase NSS shall be
calculated using the squadron average for the month in which the
student completed that phase of training. Each month, squadrons
shall compute the squadron's stage and phase averages based upon
all students completing the respective stage or phase during the
previous six months or the last 60 students whichever number is
greater. Squadrons having less than 60 students completing a
stage or phase of a particular syllabus shall compute the
squadron's stage and phase averages based upon all students
completing the stage or phase of that syllabus during the
previous twelve months.
Notes: 1. The grades of all students completing the respective
stage or phase shall be used in these calculations, included will
be the grades of those students subsequently attrited as end-of-
stage or end-of-phase unsatisfactory. 2. Squadrons calculating
squadron averages with less than 60 students shall annotate the
squadron's posted stage and phase averages with the number of
students used in the calculation and a brief statement as to the
cause for using less than 60 students' grades, e.g., "Change to
syllabus 1542.XX, 02 Jun 99".
b. The stage and phase averages shall be posted in a prominent
place in the Student Control Office of each squadron. Each
student shall be counseled as to the significance of this report,
and the importance of knowing how their average compares to the
stage and phase averages.
Stage and Marginal End-of-Stage are not unsatisfactory, but
identify substandard performance in that stage of training.
Stage marginal is defined as a student flight grade 1.2 or
greater standard deviations below the squadron average for an
active or completed stage respectively. At NAVAVSCOLSCOM,
marginal performance is indicated by a student grade greater than
1.5 standard deviations below the average. For students in the
Multi-Service Pilot Training System Curriculum, CNATRAINST
1542.140, specific provisions of that instruction are applicable.
Mid-stage and/or end-of-stage marginal determinations are not
required for and shall not be computed for MPTS students.
a. Marginal performance shall be documented on a "pink sheet",
CNATRA-GEN 1542/31, for trend analysis. The marginal shall not
be entered on the Pink Sheet Summary card, CNATRA 1542/90, and
shall not count as an Unsat/Delinquency towards Progress Review
Board (PRB) action. Under "Type Action" on the pink sheet,
CNATRA-GEN 1542/31, the blank box in the lower right corner shall
be checked and annotated "Marginal Mid-Stage or End-of-Stage" as