17 NOVEMBER 1999
(3) Rechecks (If the original check ride was incomplete,
those items not completed on the initial check shall be graded,
and counted in the cumulative total.)
(4) Events conducted in non-high fidelity simulators,
cockpit procedural trainers, and emergency procedural trainers,
except in the Strike (STK) and Strike/Fighter (S/F) phases.
d. Cumulative Grades. The cumulative total marks and the
numerical grade for each stage are entered on the appropriate ATJ
flight summary. The numerical grade is computed using the
(Total AA X 4)+(Total A X 3)+(Total BA X 2)+(Total U X 1) = Numerical
Total AA + Total A + Total BA + Total UGrade
Specific grade weights may be modified by the applicable
CNATRAINST 1542 curriculum.
Carrier Qualification (CQ) Cumulative Grades
Numerical grade (CQ) = (Numerical grade of FCLP + Numerical grade
of ship qualification flight)/2
711. WARM-UP AND EXTRA TIME GRADING. Warm-up/extra time events
are graded, but the marks are not included in the cumulative
totals. To ensure that they are not, the ATF shall be stamped
"Warm-up/Extra Time" in the cumulative totals box. Flagrant
safety or flight rule violations, unsatisfactory procedural
knowledge, or grossly unsafe performance that is not delay
related, on a warm-up or extra time event shall be marked
unsatisfactory, and will be considered an unsatisfactory event,
in accordance with paragraph 708. For students in the Multi-
Service Pilot Training System Curriculum, CNATRAINST 1542.140,
specific provisions of that instruction are applicable to the
assignment of grades for break-in-training warm-up sorties
(SXX86) and extra training sorties (SXX87).
712. CHECK EVENT. A check event is a regularly scheduled
curriculum event given to a student in order to evaluate the
student's progress toward the desired standard of performance and
to achieve established curriculum criteria safely within the
normal period of training. For students in the Multi-Service
Pilot Training System Curriculum, CNATRAINST 1542.140, specific
provisions of that instruction are applicable to evaluation
fights (check rides, SXX90, and progress checks, SXX88 and SXX89)
and ground evaluations.
713. RECHECK. A recheck is an extra training event given to a
student for the same purpose as a check event. It is given in
the case of a previously unsatisfactory curriculum check after a
determination has been made to continue the student's training.
Rechecks are graded, but the marks are not included in the
cumulative totals, unless the previous check event was
incomplete. In that case, the previously incomplete items shall