17 NOVEMBER 1999
performance standards for satisfactory completion of the
curriculum requirement.
c. Average (abbreviation: A; numeric grade: 3.0). The
student is ready to progress safely and satisfactorily to the
next curriculum event. The student's progress is equal to
curriculum performance standards for satisfactory completion of
the curriculum requirement.
d. Above Average (abbreviation: AA; numeric grade: 4.0).
The student is ready to progress safely and satisfactorily to the
next curriculum event. The student's progress exceeds curriculum
performance standards for satisfactory completion of the
curriculum requirement.
704. GRADING CONSIDERATIONS. For students in the Multi-Service
Pilot Training System Curriculum, CNATRAINST 1542.140, grading
considerations of that instruction are applicable.
a. Headwork is the ability to understand and grasp the meaning
of instructions, demonstrations, and explanations; the faculty of
remembering instructions from event to event; the ability to plan
a series or sequence of maneuvers or actions; the ability to
anticipate and avoid possible difficulties; and the ability to
plan and execute alternative options. Headwork shall only be
graded for events which transpire in the aircraft or high
fidelity simulator and shall not be a catch-all for
unsatisfactory performance, tardiness, or lack of preparation for
a scheduled event.
b. Procedures are the demonstrated knowledge of sequential
actions, which are required to perform curriculum maneuvers and
actions during the brief, flight, or debrief and the ability to
recall and execute these sequential actions.
c. Basic airwork is the demonstrated technique and mastery of
the power and flight controls to consistently obtain the desired
attitude, heading, airspeed, and altitude through a range of
d. The student's success in accomplishing the particular
maneuver shall be graded according to the FTI objectives or
curriculum criteria.
e. Headwork, procedures, and basic airwork shall be graded on
the basis of the demonstrated performance throughout the
curriculum event. However, every specific flight maneuver is
composed of these three qualities. Therefore, when inferior or
superior performance in one of these qualities occurs only during
a specific maneuver or action, such performance shall be
reflected in the grade assigned to the specified maneuver or
action unless the lapse is of such magnitude as to demand special