8 March 2005
grounded by BUPERS or CMC a return to flight duty can only be
granted by those authorities. For a BUPERS or CMC grounded
student to return to flight duties, a "Post grounding" physical
(with waiver request if the student's diagnosis was considered
disqualifying) must be completed and forwarded to the
appropriate approval authority (BUPERS or CMC) for endorsement.
(4) Students medically grounded for 120 days (continuous or
interrupted) shall receive Local Flight Surgeon Review (LFSR) to
determine if continuation in training in warranted. This review
shall consist of a case review by three flight surgeons with the
information contained in paragraph (1) above documented in the
member's health record. LFSR health record entries shall be
identified as such on a Standard Form 600 and contain the names
of the reviewing flight surgeons. Upon completion of this LFSR,
the attending flight surgeon shall generate a written
recommendation to the Commanding Officer, Naval Aviation Schools
Command, or the appropriate Training Air Wing commander via the
squadron's Commanding Officer. This recommendation shall
indicate the member's medical situation, motivation to continue
training, and a recommendation to attrite or retain in training.
A copy of the commander's determination shall be placed in the
member's ATJ utilizing CNATRA-GEN 1542/16 Supplementary Jacket
(5) Students medically grounded for 150 days (continuous or
interrupted) shall have their medical case reviewed and
recommendations made in the same manner as described in
paragraph (4) above.
(6) When medically grounded students reach 180 days
(continuous or interrupted), the member's command may request of
CNATRA (N3) continuation of a student's medical hold status for
a period of up to an additional 3 months. In addition to the
extension request, the attending flight surgeon shall submit an
Aeromedical Summary (AMS) to CNATRA (Code OOM). The AMS shall
contain pertinent information as indicated in paragraph (1),
request. When appropriate, extensions are renewable once, at
the nine-month point for an additional three months using the
same mechanism described above for requesting an initial three-
month extension. The maximum allowable period of time a student
may remain in a medical hold status is 12 months.
d. Final authority for students determined to be NPQ or NAA
for aviation duty rests with BUPERS or CMC. Upon receipt of
official notification of a student's permanent NPQ or NAA