17 NOVEMBER 1999
700. GENERAL. Accurate measurement of performance and its
documentation is essential in the production of quality naval
aviators. Therefore, a CNATRA aviation training form (ATF) shall
be completed for each curriculum flight and simulator. Specific
performance standards and criteria are set forth by the
appropriate flight training instruction (FTI) and curriculum
outlines. Performance is measured and documented for the
following reasons:
a. Quality Control. Fleet requirements dictate minimum
standards of performance. Quality control is the process of
maintaining these evolving minimum acceptable standards, of
identifying students who have a high probability of failure in
the fleet, and of improving the quality of NATRACOM graduates.
b. Efficient Training Management. Reliable measurement of
performance is essential in the continuing effort to:
(1) Achieve the desired quality of naval aviators.
(2) Screen out early in the training program those likely
to fail, drop out, or take an excessively long time to complete.
(3) Identify student deficiencies as soon as they arise.
(4) Provide for optimum training assignment.
(5) Achieve efficient training order.
(6) Group trend analysis.
c. Assignment of Training and Duty. Differing mission
requirements and aircraft types may require particular aptitude
and skills. Performance measurements should reflect these
differences, allowing customized training and duty assignments.
As long as the particular needs of the service are met,
assignment is made on the basis of performance. The better the
performance, the greater the likelihood an individual will
receive the desired training and duty preference. Assignment of
training for international military students will be according to
their invitational travel orders.
d. Precedence. Lineal precedence for students who will
receive a commission after completion of the flight training
syllabus will be determined by performance in training.
e. Awards. Awards and individual recognition are given to
outstanding students in various phases and levels of training.