28 June 2001
Naval Aviator Production Process Improvement
Cycle Time
Basis For Measurement
1. Roll Up of Data. To develop the average Cycle Time data for
several parallel phases (FRS, Training Wing Primary, etc).
a. Add the Ins for each parallel activity (for example add the
Ins for students starting Primary for all the Training Wings).
Add the Outs for the same activities.
c. Add the Beginning On Hand Students and the Ending On Hand
Students - giving the total students in the process at the beginning
and end.
d. Calculate the Cycle Time by averaging the On Hand Sum and
dividing by the Average Ins and Outs Sum.
2. Cycle Time of Several Phases. To develop the summary Cycle Time
for several phases (the Cycle Time for a Strike Fighter for example).
Add the Cycle Times for the individual phases. The Sum of:
Pre-API - check-in at API to class start
API - class start to graduation
Pre-primary - API graduation to primary class start
Primary - primary class start to completion of last event
f. Intermediate and Advanced - completion of last primary event
to wings
g. Pre-FRS - wings to FRS class start (Note: this includes the
schoolhouse time also.)
FRS - FRS class start to completion of last event
3. Cycle Time from Weekly Monthly or Monthly to Weekly. Cycle Time
data dimensioned in weeks can be converted to a monthly dimension by
dividing by 4.3. Cycle Time data dimensioned in months can be
converted to a weekly dimension by multiplying by 4.3.
Attachment 1