28 June 2001
Naval Aviator Production Process Improvement
Cycle Time
Basis For Measurement
TRAWING phase cycle times (e.g., Intermediate/Advanced)
When desired by TRAWING Commodores, the local cockpit charts may
contain information on intermediate and advanced phases of training as
a "drill down" from the Int/Adv panels. CAUTION must be exercised in
using this information as the CFT-2 charts measure, in accordance with
the NAPPI architecture, intermediate and advanced as a single entity.
There is no authorized break between these two phases of training
except for E-2/C-2.
Measurement Definition: The Cycle Time from the time a student enters
a particular phase until that phase is completed. In the case of all
phases EXCEPT advanced completion is the last event of that phase. In
the case of advanced, the phase is NOT COMPLETE until the completion
of the winging ceremony.
CT = (Beginning Students on Hand + Ending Students on Hand)
Beginning Students On Hand
= Number of students in a phase at the
beginning of the period to
be measured. The student data should
exclude those students who
are leaving the Aviation training track and
being transferred to other
Ending Students On Hand = Number of students who have not yet
completed the particular phase being measured. Data should exclude
students leaving the Aviation training track and being transferred to
other areas. Number should = (Beginning Students on Hand + Ins-Outs +
Attrites = Number of students who do not continue training and are
eliminated IAW CNATRAINSTR 1500.4F as of the date of assignment of the
appropriate attrite code.
Ins = Number of student who have begun the training phase.
Outs = Number of students who have completed the last event (including
winging ceremony for advanced) of the phase being measured.
Source Data And Reporting Frequency For Measurement
Local TRAWING Actual on Board
Submit data to: As determined by the TRAWING Commodore
Attachment 2