28 June 2001
Naval Aviator Production Process Improvement
Cycle Time
Basis For Measurement
Pre-load Pilot
Measurement Definition: The Cycle Time from the time a student Pilot
graduates from API and is ordered to a primary TRAWING until the
student starts primary class.
CT = (Beginning Students on Hand + Ending Students on Hand)/2
Beginning Students On Hand = Number of student Pilots in the Pre-
Primary Pre-load at the beginning of the period who have received
written direction to proceed to a Primary TRAWING. The student data
should exclude those students who are leaving the Aviation training
track and being transferred to other areas.
Ending Students On Hand = Number of student pilots in the pre-primary
pre-load who are either en route to a primary TRAWING or are AWT at
their primary TRAWING at the end of the period, including the post-API
pool. Data should exclude students leaving the aviation training
track and being transferred to other areas. Number should =
(Beginning Students on Hand + Ins)-(Outs + Attrites)
Attrites = Number of students who do not continue training and are
eliminated IAW CNATRAINST 1500.4F as of the date of assignment of the
appropriate attrite code.
Ins = Number of student Pilots graduated from API who have received
written direction to proceed to their Primary TRAWING.
Outs = Number of student Pilots starting Primary Class.
Source Data And Reporting Frequency For Measurement
Source: Primary TRAWING students on board reports and notifications
of transfer from previous phases
Collect and report data monthly.
Submit data to:
CNATRA on the monthly TRAWING cockpit chart
Basis For Baseline:
Average of the 10 month period from Oct 97 until
Jul 98.
Attachment 2