28 June 2001
Naval Aviator Production Process Improvement
First Pass Yield
Basis For Measurement
First Pass Yield
Measurement Definition: First Pass Yield for undergraduate flight
training is defined as the ratio between student syllabus X's
accomplished and total flight events scheduled.
Calculation: First Pass Yield = Total student syllabus X's
accomplished divided by the total flight events scheduled during the
reporting period.
Student Syllabus X's = Student Syllabus X's are defined as completed
flights that advance a student in the syllabus. Re-flies, warm-ups,
Instructor Under Training (IUT) flights, etc. are not advancing
student X's and do not count.
Events Scheduled = Flight events that appear on the final approved
daily flight schedule. Changes in crew, mission, or other
substitutions made during the schedule period do not result in an
increase in scheduled sorties unless the total flown exceeds the
number originally planned.
When a scheduled sortie consists of a mixture of overhead and/or
student event, the number of flight events counted for that sortie
will be the number of separate missions to be accomplished.
Source Data And Reporting Frequency For Measurement
Initial data from monthly Aviation Statistical Report (ASR).
Frequency: Collect and report data monthly. Data should be collected
based on transactions through close of business on the last day of the
month. Data due on the 5th workday following the close of the month.
Submit data to:
CNATRA N32 who will compile and forward to OPNAV N789
Basis For Baseline:
Average of 5 months from Jul 98 until Nov 98.
Basis For Entitlement:
To be determined NLT 17 Dec 98.
Attachment 1