28 June 2001
Naval Aviator Production Process Improvement
Aircraft Resource Demand
Basis For Measurement
Aircraft Resource Demand
Measurement Definition: The number of aircraft required by CNATRA to
accomplish the OPNAV assigned pilot and NFO training rates.
Calculation: Aircraft Demand (Average Daily) = Flight hours for the
number of students to be trained divided by average annual flying days
divided by average sortie length divided by aircraft turn capability
multiplied by The CNATRA RPS planning factor for aircraft required RFT
by contract
Number of Students = Student demand as delineated in the OPNAV
PTR/NFOTR letter.
Flight hours = Aircraft flight hours as determined utilizing CNO
approve Peacetime Planning Factors.
Average flying days = Average flying days as determined by CNO
approved Peacetime Planning Factors.
Average sortie length = Average sortie length as determined by CNATRA
Resource Planning System (RPS) data.
Aircraft turn capability = Number of turns per day as determined by
CNATRA Resource Planning System data
CNATRA RPS Planning Factor = Percentage of aircraft that the
maintenance contractor is required to provide RFT on a daily basis.
Source Data And Reporting Frequency For Measurement
Based on CNO PTR/NFOTR letter.
Updates required based
on revisions to PTR/NFOTR letter.
Submit data to:
CNATRA N32 who will compile and forward to OPNAV
Basis For Baseline:
Basis For Entitlement:
Attachment 1