17 NOVEMBER 1999
600. GENERAL. Each curriculum has a scheduling sequence
designed to enhance a student's acquisition of aviation skills
and meet specific time-to-train objectives. It is essential that
the SNA be given every opportunity to fly the curriculum as
published. A stage or phase of flight shall not be considered
complete until all flights are completed. The training flight
must be conducted in a positive learning environment where the
individual instructor sets a tone that will motivate the student
to learn and progress.
601. SCHEDULING. Squadrons are responsible for scheduling
students for events in the appropriate sequence as outlined in
the curriculum. This requirement does not preclude scheduling
events that require similar skill levels and knowledge from being
slightly out of sequence. The intent is to permit scheduling
flexibility when navaid, OLF and weather conditions prevent the
next sequenced event from being completed leading to a lost
training day. Student scheduling shall be accomplished in
accordance with guidance below. For students in the Multi-
Service Pilot Training System Curriculum, CNATRAINST 1542.140,
the specific scheduling, crew day, and crew rest provisions of
that instruction are applicable.
a. The student's working day from first scheduled event until
completion of the last event of the day (including associated
paperwork and debrief) shall not exceed 12 hours.
b. Adequate time shall be provided for pre-flight briefing
prior to launch and for a post-flight critique.
c. A minimum of 12 hours shall elapse between the conclusion
of the student's last scheduled event of the day (including
associated debrief) and his first scheduled instructional event
of the following day.
d. The student's maximum work week is 6 days followed by 2
days off, unless specifically modified by the appropriate
curriculum. In the absence of curriculum guidance, TRAWING
commanders may waive this requirement on a case by case basis for
students who have completed Familiarization in that aircraft.
Additionally, to be eligible the student must not have been
marginal in any stage of the current phase. Waivers may be given
for 2 consecutive weeks with SNAs returning to the 6 and 2
schedule the third week. Forward a copy of all waivers of this
section to CNATRA (N31) prior to execution. Additionally, file a
copy of the waiver in the SNAs ATJ.
Maximum events per day in accordance with curriculum.