8 March 2005
Aviation Training Jackets (ATJ)
(1) For IMSs entering Naval Air Training, NAVAVSCOLSCOM or
their initial NATRACOM activity shall initiate their ATJs. Each
IMS' ATJ shall be numbered with a Foreign Identification Number
(FIN). The FIN shall always start with "900" series (e.g. 902-
00-4231). These numbers are assigned by the servicing Personnel
Support Detachment.
(2) For IMSs in a published Undergraduate Pilot Training
(UPT) or Undergraduate Military Flight Officer (UMFO) course,
the TRAWING IMSO shall verify the accuracy of the completion
report, in accordance with SECNAVINST 4950.4A.
(3) ATJs are forwarded to CNATRA (N318) within one week of
student completion via the cognizant TRAWING IMSO. For
Norwegian and Saudi Arabian students only, the TRAWING IMSO will
reproduce the summary portion of the ATJ for the CLO prior to
forwarding the original ATJ to CNATRA. The summary portion
consists of a copy of the summary card, CNATRA 1542/95; pink
sheet summary, CNATRA 1542/90; stage grades sheet, CNATRA
1542/5A; and, if applicable, trend analysis summary sheet,
CNATRA 1542/106, and record of training waivers sheet, CNATRA
1542/132. For all other IMSs, the ATJ shall be forwarded to
CNATRA (N318) without further reproduction.
(4) ATJs of IMSs in non-UPT/UMFO courses (LSO, IUT,
etcetera) are forwarded to CNATRA (N318) within 10 working days
and will include the total hours in each type of aircraft flown
while undergoing training in the NATRACOM. With prior CNATRA
approval, minor routing variations requested by individual
countries are authorized.
(1) In the event of death, serious injury, hospitalization,
involvement in any accident or incident involving an IMS, or
whenever the commanding officer deems appropriate, a Casualty
Report shall be submitted by the cognizant command in accordance
with SECNAVINST 4950.4A with copies to the TRAWING,
NAVAVSCOLSCOM, CNATRA, NETSAFA, and the Naval Education and
Training Command (NETC). For RSNF IMSs, include a copy to NITC
OIC, TRAWING FIVE. See Appendix B, example 8 for format.
12 hours of the occurrence by priority message.