T-45C TS CR-02; ADV & IUT CR-01
Course Rules
Meridian Ground Operations,
NOTE: Situational awareness is a trait that identifies
those who have the edge in our profession -- those
who will both recognize and avoid scenarios that exceed
the margin of safety allowed in operations. In your
current training this trait is developed by starting the
mission with proper briefing and a thorough knowledge of
the environment in which you will conduct your flight.
If the weather is IMC sign DD 175-1 at the duty
desk or obtain own weather brief
If the weather is less than 3000/3, you must
declare an alternate when placing your
clearance on request
T-45 Radios -- 2 radios / preset channels
Sg 1, fr 5A2
T-45 Frequencies
Ability to monitor 2 frequencies simultaneously
Discuss radio setup for ATIS, clearance, taxi
and departure
NOTE: The controlling/informational agencies
for NAS Meridian are listed in your frequency
card for your aircraft type in the order in which
they are set up on your communication radio
preset channels. This list is also replicated in
the In-Flight Guide.
Your frequency cards will have frequencies with
the designator SFA preceding them. These
frequencies are Single Frequency Approach
frequencies. Single frequency approaches are
designed to reduce the workload by removing
the necessity of switching from one frequency
to another during an approach for single-piloted
or high-performance aircraft.
Original (05-98)
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