T-45C TS CR-02; ADV & IUT CR-01
Course Rules
(2) Depart and re-enter at initial
Key field operations [BI, RI...]
Request Grey Oak departure from clearance
Advise tower of intentions on departure
Downwind entry
Tower, GREY OAK 135 ready for takeoff.
Request downwind after takeoff, over
Depart and re-enter at initial
Tower, GREY OAK 135 ready for takeoff.
Depart and re-enter for the overhead, over
Depart for operations at Key Field
Tower, GREY OAK 135 for takeoff. Depart for
Key Field, over
IFR departures
NOTE: All aircraft leaving NAS Meridian airspace or
requiring MOA related activities shall depart NAS
Meridian on an IFR flight plan using a Local Instrument
Departure (LID), VFR on an IFR flight plan or on radar
vectors to the first point on their IFR flight plan. There are
no Standard Instrument Departures published for NAS
Meridian. Cross country flights must depart VFR on an
IFR flight plan or request radar vectors to the first point
on their clearance. It is important to note that the act of
filing an IFR flight plan into a MOA activates the MOA
and effectively sterilizes the airspace of civilian IFR
LIDs are not found in FLIP Terminal Publications. They
are routes established by a letter of agreement between
TRAWING ONE and the ATC facility controlling the local
airspace -- Memphis Center.
Original (05-98)
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