T-45C TS CR-02; ADV & IUT CR-01
Course Rules
(2) All weights landing
107 KIAS
Sg 1, fr 4
NAS Meridian Field
Max off center engagement:
50 ft
Elevation: 317 ft MSL
(Ramp: 283 ft MSL)
Field lighting facilities: an airport beacon, (green and
split-white rotating beacon) is located near the control
tower and operates at night and during IMC weather
Runway lighting
01L/19R Medium Intensity Runway Lights
(MIRL), High Intensity Runway Lights (HIRL),
Runway Centerline Lighting
Overlay 1 & Overlay 2
Sg 1, fr 4A1, Sg 1, fr 4A2
01R/19L Medium Intensity Runway Lights
Overlay 3 & Overlay 4
(MIRL), High Intensity Runway Lights (HIRL),
Sg 1, fr 4A3, Sg 1, fr 4A4
Runway Centerline Lighting
Overlay 5
01L/19L Carrier Deck Lighting (proposed)
Sg 1, fr 4A5
Overlay 6
10/28 Medium Intensity Runway Lights (MIRL )
Sg 1, fr 4A6
Overlay 7
High Intensity Approach Lighting (HIRL)
Sg 1, fr 4B
(1) 01L
ALSF1 system
(2) 19L
ALSF2 system (perpendicular
rows of red light flank either side
of white center lights in last 1000
ft to runway)
Internally lit runway distance remaining markers
Overlay 8
are located on both sides of all runways at 1000
Sg 1, fr 4C1
ft intervals
E-28 arresting gear locations are marked with
Overlay 9
Sg 1, fr 4C2
internally lit yellow and black signs
01L &19L Red runway waveoff lights located at
Overlay 10
the approach end runway edge can be
Sg 1, fr 4D1
activated by the tower
Optical Landing System (OLS) Fresnel lenses
Overlay 11
Sg 1, fr 4D2
installed on Runways 19L, 1L, 19R, 1R, & 28.
(no lens located at approach end of runway 10).
Original (05-98)
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