T-45A UJPT & E2-C2 INav-06
Departure and Terminal Procedures
If RADAR service is being received, it
will automatically terminate when the
pilot is told to contact the tower
Circling Approach
Sg 6, fr 3 Circling Approach
Definition: a maneuver initiated by the
pilot to align the aircraft with a runway
for landing when a straight-in landing
from an instrument approach is not
possible or is not desirable
Use the circling minimums on the
approach procedure, or path-over-the-
ground, for which you were cleared
EXAMPLE: "Cleared for the High
Sg 6, fr 3, p2 Circling Approach
TACAN runway six approach, circle to
land runway two four."
With the runway environment in sight
state your intentions to Approach Control
and visually circle to land on the
intended runway by any safe method
EXCEPTION: 1. When a circling
maneuver is specified by Approach
Control; or, 2. There is a circling
restriction on the Approach Procedure
Chart, e.g., "Maneuvering East of Rwy
16L - 34R centerline not authorized"
Maintain the circling MDA until in a
position from which to make a safe
landing on the intended runway
Do not descend below the MDA to
remain clear of clouds
If loss of visual reference to the
surface occurs, execute a missed
approach procedure for the original
approach as specified on the approach
plate or as specified by Approach
(6-99) Change 2
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