Lesson Objectives - P-12440008Lesson Objectives (Cont) - P-12440009Lesson Objectives (Cont) - P-12440010How to Use a Lesson Guide/LabPresentation - P-12440012IFR Flights in Tactical Jet Type AircraftFLIP Update System - P-12440014Notice To Airmen (NOTAM)FLIP Planning - P-12440017Index For Aeronautical Information - P-12440018North and South America Area Planning (AP/1) - P-12440019Flight Hazards - P-12440020Area Planning AP/1A Special Use Airspace North And South America - P-12440021FLIP (Enroute) Flight Information Handbook - P-12440022Back Cover, Interception Signals - P-12440023FLIP (Enroute) Supplements - P-12440024FLIP (Enroute) IFR Supplement - P-12440025Section B: Airport/Facility Directory - P-12440026Airport Elevation - P-12440027Airport RestrictionsCommunications - P-12440029Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS) - P-12440030Airport Traffic Control Tower - P-12440031Pilot-To-Forecaster - P-12440032Section C: Theater Flight Data and Procedures - P-12440033FLIP Enroute Charts - P-12440034Enroute - High Altitude ChartsApplication - P-12440036For an IFR flight planRestricted areas in brown shade indicate Non-Joint Use areasNAVAID communication boxes contain VOR, TACAN, and Radio Beacon data.NAVAIDs that provide Hazardous In-flight Advisory ServiceTranscribed Weather BroadcastsSummary - P-12440042Lesson Guide - P-12440044Lesson Preparation - P-12440045Lesson Objectives - P-12440046Motivation - P-12440047Presentation - P-12440048Responsibilities of ATC facilitiesClearance delivery - P-12440050Tower: an arm of air traffic control (ATC) - P-12440051Departure control - P-12440052Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) - P-12440053Approach control - P-12440054Automated Flight Service Station (FSS) - P-12440055Provide enroute weather informationFlight watch - P-12440057Clearances - P-12440058Clearance communicationsWhen clearance acceptably deviates, pilot reads back to indicate acceptanceLesson Notes - P-12440061Progress Check - P-12440062Normal communication proceduresMandatory voice reportsMandatory voice reports (Cont)Departure - P-12440066Taxi - P-12440067Hold short areaContact tower for takeoff clearanceDeparture control - P-12440070En route - P-12440071Initial contact - P-12440072Non-radar position report (when required by ATC)IFR Enroute Supplement, inside back cover, contains 13 itemsTo file a change of ETA by more than 30 minutes (VFR or IFR flight plan)Filing flight plans in-flight (normally handled by FSS)Arrival - P-12440077Approach control (initial contact)Approach phraseologiesApproach phraseologies (Cont) - P-12440080Approach phraseologies (Cont) - P-12440081Missed Approach - P-12440082Missed approach in simulated instrument conditionsEmergency CommunicationsIMC - If VMC is not encounteredAltitude - P-12440086In-flight emergency communication proceduresIn-flight emergency communication procedures (Cont)Emergency communication proceduresProgress Check - P-12440090Summary - P-12440091Lesson Guide - P-12440092Lesson Preparation - P-12440093Lesson Objectives - P-12440094Motivation - P-12440095Presentation - P-12440096Figure 1. Operating Characteristics of TACAN and VOR - P-12440097Figure 2. Standard Service Volume (SSV) - P-12440098Erroneous TACAN indicationsCone of Confusion - P-12440100Figure 3. VOR Frequency Overlap - P-12440101VOR/DME - P-12440102Figure 4. Cones of Confusion - P-12440103TACAN - P-12440104Figure 5. COMM/NAV Transfer PanelFigure 7. TACAN Control Panel - P-12440106Horizontal situation indicator (HSI) - P-12440107Tuning/identifying - P-12440108Figure 8. HSI Display/TACAN Operation - P-12440109Location and use of VOR equipment controls and indicators for tuning/identifying - P-12440110Figure 9. VOR/ILS Control Panel - P-12440111Tuning/identifying - P-12440112Figure 10. HSI Display/VOR Operation - P-12440113Tuning/identifying - P-12440114Cockpit management - P-12440115Summary - P-12440116Lesson Guide - P-12440118Lesson Preparation - P-12440119Lesson Objectives - P-12440120Motivation - P-12440121Refresher - P-12440122Figure 1. FAA Instrument Landing System (ILS)Primary approach to a localizer is called "Front Course"Localizer Signal Aquisition LimitsGlideslope - P-12440126The glideslope transmitter operates on one of 40 dedicated ILS channels - P-12440127Usable range is 10 nm, provided aircraft is on localizer courseRange (position) Systems - P-12440129Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) - P-12440130Figure 3. Marker Beacon Code/Color Identification TableCross RadialsVisual Information System - P-12440133Figure 4. Instrument Runway LightingRunway Lights - P-12440135T-45A instruments and controls associated with the ILS approachFigure 5. ILS Cockpit InstrumentsFigure 6. ILS Navigation Instrument ControlsInstruments - P-12440139Marker Beacon Lights - P-12440140Figure 7. Marker Beacon Test and Illumination ControlsFigure 8. ILS Critical Area Taxiway Position MarkingsInoperative ILS componentsReview Questions - P-12440144Review Questions (Cont) - P-12440145Summary - P-12440146Lesson Guide - P-12440148Examination - P-12440149Lesson Objectives - P-12440150Motivation - P-12440151Refresher - P-12440152Presentation - P-12440153Double angle off the bow inbound method - P-12440154Lead point calculations (LPC)Chord method (usually used when farther than 12 miles DME from station)Fig 1: Lead Point Identifier - P-12440157Fig 2: Radial Width List - P-12440158Intercepting a radial from an arc - P-12440159Performing a ground speed check - P-12440160Wind correction (crabbing) - P-12440161Fig 3: Holding Pattern Entry Diagram - P-12440162Entry procedures TACAN, VOR, VOR/DME - P-12440163Teardrop - P-12440164Timing: non-DMEWind correctionSummary - P-12440167Lesson Guide - P-12440168Examination - P-12440169Lesson Objectives - P-12440170Lesson Objectives (Cont) - P-12440171Motivation - P-12440172Overview - P-12440173Presentation - P-12440174Fuel requirements for filing DD-175Alternate not requiredTakeoff weather minimums depend on the instrument rating of the pilot-in-commandFormations - P-12440178Types of IFR Departures - P-12440179Standard Instrument Departure (SID) - P-12440180Purpose: provides airspace management and simplifies clearance delivery proceduresTypes of SIDsLemoore NAS Fleet Eight DepartureLemoore NAS Fleet Eight Departure (cont)Vector SIDNorfolk Three Departure (VECTOR) Oceana NASNorfolk Three Departure (VECTOR) Oceana NAS (cont)Increases controller timeCancellation of SID is avoidedLesson Notes - P-12440190Standard Terminal Arrival (STAR)Lemig ONE Arrival San Antonio, TexasApproaches - P-12440193Sample approach clearancesSample approach clearances (Cont)Enroute Descent - P-12440196Clearance - P-12440197SFA - UHF Single Frequency ApproachApproach Modifications - P-12440199Contact Approach - P-12440200Contact Approach (cont)Circling Approach - P-12440202Leaving IAF altitudeNORDO Missed Approach to Alternate - P-12440204Altitude to AlternateVisual Descent Point ( VDP)Landing Criteria from an IFR ApproachLanding Criteria from an IFR Approach (Cont)Closing Flight Plan - P-12440209Instrument rating/requirements, renewal, expirationRenewalLog Book Entries - P-12440212Night TimeSummary - P-12440214Lesson Guide - P-12440216Lesson Preparation - P-12440217Lesson Objectives - P-12440218Motivation - P-12440219Refresher - P-12440220Features common to high altitude instrument approach platesFigure 1. Basic Penetration PatternsAltitude restrictions - P-12440223Figure 2. Altitude Restrictions (Profile View)Holding patterns - P-12440225Types of NAVAIDsAirport diagrams/sketches - P-12440227Full-page airport diagram - P-12440228Figure 3. Glideslope Indicator (PAPI)Figure 4. Full-page Airport Diagram - Oceana NASInstrument approach minimums sectionInstrument approach minimums - P-12440232Figure 5. HI-TACAN RWY 27 Jacksonville NASElements specific to types of high altitude approach plates - P-12440234Figure 6: HI-VOR RWY 19 Pensacola NASFigure 7: HI-TACAN OR ILS RWY 8 Langley AFBFigure 8. HI-ILS RWY 22 Houston/Ellington FieldSummary - P-12440238Lesson Guide/Lab - P-12440240Lesson Preparation - P-12440241Lesson Objectives - P-12440242How to Use a Workbook - P-12440243Refresher - P-12440244Filing Criteria Rules for Minimums - P-12440245Figure 1. IFR Filing Criteria - P-12440246Choosing Alternate Airfields - P-12440247Figure 2. Destination/Alternate Weather Examples--Situation 1Planning for an Alternate - P-12440249Figure 3. Destination/Alternate Weather Examples--Situation 2Excepations to Basic Filing CriteriaDetermining Fuel Requirements for Route of FlightWind Side - P-12440253The Wind Triangle - P-12440254Effective True Airspeed - P-12440255Figure 4 (Part 1). Computing Ground Speed with Crab Angle Less Than 10 DegreesFigure 4 (Part 2). Computing Ground Speed with Crab Angle Less Than 10 DegreesFigure 5 (Part 2): Computing Ground Speed with Crab Angle 10 Degrees or GreaterPoint-to-Point - P-12440259Point-To-Point (IAF to IAF) - P-12440260Figure 9 (Part 1). Point-to-Point Solution - P-12440261Figure 9 (Part 2). Point-to-Point Solution - P-12440262Summary - P-12440263Answer Key - P-12440264Lesson Guide/Lab - P-12440266Study Resources - P-12440267Lesson Objectives - P-12440268How to Use a Workbook - P-12440269Presentation - P-12440270Figure 1. Requirements for IFR flightFLIPs Required for Flight PlanningInformation provided by the Notices To Airmen (NOTAM) SystemFigure 2. Civilian Notices to AirmenDOD NOTAMSConclusion - P-12440276Figure 3. Sample Military NOTAM from InternetItems to Check for Destination Airfield - P-12440278Progress Check - P-12440279Flight Planning - P-12440280Obtain Initial Weather BriefingFigure 4. Single-Engine Jet Flight Log (Front)Figure 4. Single-Engine Jet Flight Log (Back)Complete DEP ELEV BlockComplete Clearance SectionComplete Navigation and Fuel Information SectionComplete Route to BlockFigure 9. Route-To BlockComplete ETE BlockFigure 13. ETE BlockComplete Notes BlockFigure 18. Total SectionComplete Information Section for Alternate from Planned Destination to AlternateComplete APC CONT, TOWER, and GND CONT BlocksComplete Approaches Line 3Figure 22. Navigation and Fuel Plan Progress CheckComplete Emergency "BINGO" to Alternate SectionFigure 23. Completed Emergency Bingo to Alternate BlockFigure 24. Emergency Bingo to Alternate Progress CheckFigure 25. Completed Last SectionComplete FUEL/JASU/LOX BlockComplete EMER FIELDS ColumnFigure 26. Completed Single-Engine Jet Flight LogFigure 26. Completed Single-Engine Jet Flight Log (Cont)Summary - P-12440305Progress Check Answer Key - P-12440306Progress Check Answer Key (Cont)Lesson Guide - P-12440308Study Resources - P-12440309Lesson Objectives - P-12440310How to Use a Workbook - P-12440311Presentation - P-12440312Figure 2. TD Code Table (Assumes All Aircraft VOR Equipped)Complete Section IIFigure 5. DD-175 Section II - Type Flt Plan, True Airspeed, and Point of DepartureFigure 6. DD-175 Section II - Proposed Departure Time and AltitudeFigure 7. DD-175 Section II - Route of FlightFigure 8. DD-175 Section II - TO and ETE BlocksComplete Section IIIComplete Section IVComplete Section IV (Cont)Complete Section VFigure 13. DD-175 Section VFigure 14. Completed Flight Log (1 of 2)Figure 15. Completed Flight Log (2 of 2)Figure 16. One-Leg (Round Robin) Flight PlanFigure 17. Stop-Over Flight PlanFigure 18. Terminal Delay Flight PlanFigure 19. DD-175 - Enroute Delay Flight PlanFigure 22. Formation Flight PlanFigure 23. Completed DD Form 175Progress Check - P-12440332Summary - P-12440333Progress Check Answer Key - P-12440334Lesson Guide/Workbook Lesson (Lab) - P-12440336Lesson Preparation - P-12440337Lesson Objectives - P-12440338How to Use a Workbook - P-12440339Presentation - P-12440340Terminal ForecastsSummary - P-12440342Figure 1. TW-2 Fuel Planning DataFigure 2. T-45A Bingo ChartFigure 3. Completed Jet Flight Log (NZC-NBG)Figure 4. Completed Jet Flight Log Fuel Plan (NZC-NBG)Completed Jet Flight Log (NBG-NQI)Figure 6. Completed Jet Flight Log Fuel Plan (NBG-NQI)Figure 7. Completed Formation Stopover DD-175 NZC-NBG-NQIInstrument Navigation (INAV) - index