T-45A UJPT & E2-C2 INav-06
Departure and Terminal Procedures
Adhere to radar vectors provided by
ATC in lieu of the published missed
approach procedure
If marginal weather conditions exist at
destination (and especially if low on
fuel), file a flight plan to your alternate
prior to penetration using the preface
"in the event of missed approach . . ."
File with FSS or Approach Control
using the DRAFT format or that inside
the back cover of the IFR Supplement.
Obtain an expected altitude that
permits climb to the bingo profile
altitude. In the event of lost
the most fuel efficient altitude
NORDO Missed Approach to Alternate
the approach and subsequently you
take a missed approach due to
weather conditions
(1) Squawk 7600
(2) Follow the published missed
approach instructions to ensure
adequate obstruction clearance
(3) Proceed to alternate IAF as filed
and immediately commence an
CAUTION: A filed flight plan, or
DRAFT, before commencing an
approach at destination constitutes
a ROUTE clearance in event of
NORDO; however, it does not
constitute an altitude clearance
since you have not received an ATC
(6-99) Original
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