Instrument Flight
Constant Airspeed Climbs and Descents
The Immelmann combines the first half of a loop with a 180 degree roll to wings level at the top of the loop
(Figure 10f).
Complete the prestall and aerobatic checklist prior to performing the Immelmann. Begin the maneuver at
380 KIAS, on altitude, and lined up on a reference heading. Advance power to approximately 96 percent
rpm and expeditiously initiate a smooth, wings level pull up to 4-gs. Increase back stick pressure to
maintain the 4-g pull as airspeed decreases.
Continue to maintain the 4-g pull until reaching optimum AOA (17 units) and maintain optimum AOA until
the nose is 10 degrees above the horizon. The gyro will tumble while going through the vertical. Gently
stop the nose movement at 10 degrees above the horizon by releasing back stick pressure and then roll
upright, using coordinated aileron and rudder. The aircraft will feel mushy because of the slow airspeed
(about 150-170 KIAS). The maneuver is complete when you are in wings level flight at 180 KIAS going in
the opposite direction.
Figure 10f: IMMELMANN
You will need to increase back stick pressure as you approach wings level upright so that you dont lose
altitude. The nose will feel heavy because you are trimmed for 380 KIAS.
NOTE: Rudder is important for coordinated rolls.
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