Constant Airspeed Climbs and Descents
Instrument Flight
NOTE: All overhead maneuvers require approximately 7,000 ft of altitude to complete.
Because the loop is a 360-degree turn in the vertical plane, the stabilator is your basic flight control for the
loop. Employ ailerons and rudder for coordination and directional control (Figure 10d).
Complete the prestall and aerobatic checklist prior to performing the loop. Begin the maneuver at
380 KIAS, on altitude and on a reference heading. Advance the power to approximately 96 percent rpm
and expeditiously initiate a smooth 4-g pull up to achieve 4-g in approximately 2 seconds. Increase back
stick pressure to maintain 4-g as airspeed decreases. Maintain wings level. Continue to maintain the 4-g
pull until reaching optimum AOA (17 units), then maintain optimum AOA over the top. The gyro will
tumble while going through the vertical. Hold wing position until gyro stabilizes and then maintain heading
while going through the inverted position. Verify that the wings are level, that airspeed is about 150 KIAS,
and that the aircraft is flying at optimum AOA going over the top. Pull the nose through the horizon,
keeping the wings level, maintaining optimum AOA, and staying on reference heading. As the aircraft
accelerates on the backside of the loop, an increase of back-stick pressure will be required to maintain
optimum AOA until intercepting 4-g. Complete the loop at 380 KIAS, at initial altitude and lined up on the
reference heading.
Going slow over the top results from failing to maintain the 4-g pull and optimum AOA during the first half
of the loop. Because of your decreasing airspeed in the climb, you must continuously increase back stick
pressure to maintain the 4-g or optimum AOA. Not being aligned with the reference heading going over
the top of the loop results from not maintaining a wings level pull up. Maintain your wing attitude in
relation to the reference heading throughout the loop and immediately correct for any wing drop.
Figure 10d: LOOP
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