Instrument Flight
Constant Airspeed Climbs and Descents
Initiated and ended at the same altitude, the half-cuban eight is a reversal of direction in the vertical plane
and can be used as a standard weapons delivery maneuver. Enter the maneuver as you would a loop,
but, instead of completing the loop, roll the aircraft to wings level when you are 45 degrees nose down,
inverted. Continue the 45-degree nosedown descent to the original altitude but on the opposite heading
(Figure 10e).
Complete the prestall and aerobatic checklist prior to performing the half-cuban eight. Begin the
maneuver at 380 KIAS, on altitude, and aligned on a reference heading. Advance the power to
approximately 96 percent rpm and expeditiously initiate a smooth, wings level pull up to 4-gs. Increase
back stick pressure to maintain the 4-g pull as airspeed decreases.
Continue to maintain the 4-g pull until reaching optimum AOA (17 units) and maintain optimum AOA over
the top. The gyro will tumble while going through the vertical. Hold wing position until gyro stabilizes and
then maintain heading while inverted. Going over the top, verify that your wings are level, that airspeed is
150 KIAS, and that your aircraft is at optimum AOA.
Pull the nose through the horizon while still inverted with wings level and aligned on the reference
heading. Stop the nose movement at 45 degrees nose down and roll upright, maintaining wings level.
Continue in a 45-degree dive and accelerate to entry airspeed. Use a 4-g pull to the horizon during
recovery. The maneuver is complete when you are on entry altitude at 380 KIAS and going in the
opposite direction. Be sure to stop the nose at 45 degrees nose down with forward stick pressure prior to
rolling wings level.
(4-01) Original
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