T-45C TS
CR-02; ADV & IUT
Course Rules
VFR departures
(1) As you are turning crosswind prior to your
last approach inform Bravo tower of your
intentions to depart Bravo VFR for NMM
(2) Maintain VFR, fly RWY heading climbing to
1100 ft MSL until number one upwind
(3) Follow departure instructions as assigned
and contact MEI RATCF
NOTE: When the approach in use at NMM
is other than a visual overhead, VFR
aircraft shall depart at no less than two-
minute intervals.
IFR departures
(1) As you are turning crosswind prior to your
last approach inform BRAVO tower of your
intentions to depart BRAVO IFR for NMM
(2) BRAVO Tower shall issue the appropriate
McCain Departure instructions to IFR
aircraft IAW the following RWY
configuration for return to NMM:
RWY 31: Leaving 1100 ft MSL, turn right
heading 070 when RWY 19 is in
use at NMM, or turn left heading
150 when RWY 01 is in use at
NMM. Altitude will be assigned
upon release
RWY 13: Leaving 1100 ft MSL, turn left
heading 070 when RWY 19 is in
use at NMM, or turn right heading
150 when RWY 01 is in use at
NMM. Altitude will be assigned
upon release
Original (05-98)
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