T-45C TS
CR-02; ADV & IUT
Course Rules
IFR arrivals
NOTE: Aircraft desiring an IFR arrival at NAS Meridian
are handed-off from adjoining ATCF or contact Meridian
Approach Control directly for clearance to conduct one of
the published instrument approach procedures or coded
recovery procedures from operating areas.
Operating in accordance with an IFR flight plan,
pilots may request a Contact Approach. A Contact
Approach requires ATC approval provided they are
clear of clouds and have at least 1 NM visibility.
Flights should reasonably expect to continue to the
destination airport in those conditions and may
deviate from the instrument approach procedure by
visual reference to the surface
VISUAL APPROACH (this is an IFR procedure by
A visual approach is conducted on an IFR flight plan
and authorizes a pilot to proceed visually to the
airport. The pilot must have either the airport or the
preceding aircraft in sight. This approach must be
authorized and controlled by the appropriate air
traffic control facility. Reported weather must be
1000/3 or greater
Normally, 2000’ MSL Downwind, Base and dogleg to
Final Approach Course
Minimum Fuel/Low Oil Pressure GCA: Expect
a 30 seconds-to-glideslope gear warning
Emergency Fuel GCA: IF SIMULATED,
MAINTAIN VMC because pilot assumes
responsibility for obstacle clearance. Expect
descent to 1500’ MSL on downwind, 1100’ MSL
on Base leg. Expect 3-4 NM Final, and a 30
seconds-to-glideslope gear warning
Original (05-98)
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