T-45A IUT NFamFP-04
Night Familiarization Chase Procedures
III. Night chase procedures/RTB,
A. As lead:
1. Ensure that everyone will be flying same TAS
2. Make adjustments to keep flight in close proximity and
in leads sight
B. Solos get their own clearance and squawks (VFR squawk
for Night Fam route)
C. All players (maximum of three solos per lead) marshal and
taxi as a flight
D. During taxi, lead gives heads-up to ground that a 4-minute
window is needed for night fam solo launch
E. At the hold short, students check in with lead once takeoff
checklists are complete and they are ready to go
F. Lead:
1. Calls for takeoff
2. Informs tower of 4-minute window (ground should have
already passed that information to the tower)
3. When airborne, climbs and turns to establish at 200
KIAS and 2,000 ft in a right-hand orbit if on the south
flow runways and left-hand pattern if on the north flow
runways (unless you are cleared for takeoff on 31R or
35R--then use a right-hand orbit)
NOTE: This ensures separation from the pattern,
break, and instrument aircraft.
G. Solos take off in order and make expeditious runups on the
(7-02) Original
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