T-45A IUT NFamFP-04
Night Familiarization Chase Procedures
H. Lead:
1. Maintains tower frequency until all solos are airborne
(solos switch departure for takeoff)
2. Times turn so as to arrive abeam last solo on the
takeoff roll
3. Checks in as a flight on 25 [solos check in on departure,
then switch to button 25 (308.2)]
I. Students give position reports to lead on tactical frequency
NOTE: Should a problem occur in the launch sequence,
have a plan briefed for the airborne solos to hold at
Falfurrias and different altitudes until all solos are airborne.
J. In flight
Fig 2: VFR Night
1. Best position from which to observe the solos is abeam
Dash-2, stepped up 2,000 ft
2. All solos shall be flying directly over the center of the
turning point prior to turning to avoid early turning.
3. Limit airspeed corrections to 20 KIAS, i.e., Dash-1--slow
20 KIAS, Dash-3 pick up 20 KIAS; this will help keep
solos in close proximity (1-minute separation between
4. Keep strobe lights on from takeoff to landing to better
observe solos
5. Make position reports on tactical to lead at each turn
a. Include side number, fuel state, location, next turn
point, heading to next point, and current altitude, i.e.,
242 state 2.2 Hebbronville, Laredo 282 degrees, 4.5
6. Inbound to Laredo, lead will switch and make a single
call to Laredo tower on 257.9
(7-02) Original
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