T-45A UJPT & E2-C2 INav-02
Introduction to INav and Voice Procedures
NOTE: The statement "clearance on
request" normally indicates the IFR
clearance has not been received by ATC.
The Clearance Delivery operator will
attempt to obtain it manually via computer
or direct line. If a long delay is expected,
consider shutting down for a period and
restart when the clearance is available.
The statement "advise when ready to copy"
indicates that IFR clearance is available for
the pilot to copy.
Sg 3, fr 4: Departure - Taxi
Who will provide you with taxi instructions?
ANSWER: Ground control
NOTE: Taxi clearance and instructions are
Sg 3, fr 4 Cont.: Audio & Audio
normally issued by Ground Control. The
Text - Taxi
request for taxi consists of: aircraft call sign,
location on airport, type of operation (IFR or
VFR), point of first intended landing, and
ATIS letter identifier.
At another airdrome, state location on the
field when requesting taxi. Pilot must read
back runway to which cleared and any hold
short restrictions.
State the "letter identifier" of the ATIS
information received. Do not use the
statement, "Have the numbers." If the pilot
does not report the current ATIS letter or
some ATIS information has changed,
Ground Control will provide current ATIS
information. Altimeter readback is required.
Page 2-22
(6-99) Original