Ground Operations
Steering String
Each waypoint can have a defined offset (O/S),
or none. The options and headers for offset data
entry are displayed on the Waypoint Display
(Figure 2). Offset entry options are located on
the left bezel of the MFD: range (RNG O/S),
magnetic bearing (BRG O/S) and elevation
(ELEV O/S). Offset data entry, using the DEP
and scratchpad is enabled when one of the O/S
options is selected. No offset data is displayed if
range is set a 0.0 nm. Range is limited to 0.0 to
99.9 nm in tenth of a mile increments. Bearing is
000 to 359.9 degrees in tenths of a degree
increments (360 may be entered for 000). The
decimal is not displayed on the scratch pad, but is
automatically entered before the last digit, once
the data is entered into the system. The decimal
is displayed in the offset data block. Elevation
initializes to the associated waypoint elevation
and is limited from -999 to 9999 feet in one foot
increments. Changing the position of the
waypoint after entering offset data automatically
sets offset data for that waypoint to zero and all
offset data is blanked (Figure 3).
Waypoint sequential navigation allows the pilot to
select the sequence of waypoints when
sequential (SEQ) is selected on the HSI display
(Figure 4). On power-up waypoint data initializes
with the last entered waypoint sequence string
displayed across the bottom of the Waypoint
Display (Figure 5).
Selecting (boxing) SEQ DEP blanks the old
waypoint sequence string and enables the DEP
and scratchpad for entry of a new string. Select-
ing a waypoint number on the DEP and depress-
ing ENT inserts the waypoint into the string. As
each waypoint is entered, the waypoint number is
displayed in the order in which it is entered, from
left to right. Up to ten waypoints can be entered
into the string, and multiple entry of the same
waypoint is allowed. An invalid waypoint entry (a
number greater than 10) will flash until cleared by
depressing CLR on the DEP. Selecting SEQ
Stored Sequential
Sequential String
DEP option on the Waypoint Display or entering
Steering String
Entry Selection Option
the tenth waypoint will save the waypoint string,
and deselect (unbox) the SEQ DEP option.
When a waypoint string of two or more is entered
in the waypoint string, the SEQ and AUTO option
on the HSI display are enabled.
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