For an SNA solo flight or dual flight, adhere to the maximum crosswind limitations as listed in NATOPS or
To prevent the upwind wing from lifting, apply aileron into the crosswind during your takeoff roll and main-
tain directional control with NWS. As your speed increases, the control surfaces become more effective,
so you need less aileron deflection. Maintain wings level at lift-off and center the rudder; after lift-off,
establish a crab into the wind to track a course along the runway departure path.
Once the decision to abort is made, initiate the abort according to NATOPS procedures. If you have any
doubt about your ability to stop on the remaining runway, lower your hook. Under no circumstances should
you delay your decision to abort because arresting gear is available. If you decide to take the gear, lower
the hook so that it is down 1,000 ft prior to the arresting gear and attempt to take the gear on the center-
line. However, if you are off center, it is better to engage the arresting gear straight ahead, parallel to the
runway centerline, than at an angle. Due to the A/Cs tendency to hook skip at the field, it is recommended
that backstick be applied just prior to the arresting gear. This should ensure a good hook set. When the
aircraft is under control notify tower of your intentions.
NOTE: Off-center engaging limits by arresting gear type are listed in NATOPS.
IAW local course rules/SOP.
Close adherence to departure procedures is necessary to ensure the safety of all aircraft in a congested
area and to avoid intrusion into civilian areas surrounding the field. The performance of your aircraft
during a climb is of vital concern. Remember, turbojet and turbofan engines dont realize their best fuel
efficiency until they are at altitude. The method or type of climb that you use will be determined by the
mission. Some of the items that you want to consider during preflight planning are the aircrafts maximum
climb rate, its cruise speed at altitude, and its maximum range climb. During normal training flights, speed
restrictions, turn requirements, and noise abatement are considered along with fuel considerations.
Normally, you will maintain 250 KIAS during the climbout until you are established in the MOA or above
10,000 ft MSL. In addition, you must fly the departure as published until you terminate the local
instrument departure. Set the proper attitude to maintain your climb airspeed and trim out stick pressure.
Dont forget to check the ball for proper rudder trim.
Check all instruments for normal indications.
NOTE: Make sure that you continue to comply with your departure clearance while conducting the 10,000
Foot Checklist.
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