As their names suggest, the purpose of the FAM and NFAM stages is to familiarize you with preflight, in-
flight (normal and emergency), and postflight procedures for day and night flying. These blocks
emphasize system operations, flight characteristics, and landing techniques. Area familiarization will be
accomplished on dual flights.
Coordination between you and other individuals or agencies is a part of every flight you make. Good crew
coordination begins with the briefing where you and your IP go over all mission details. When you
communicate with the plane captain via hand signals, you need to insure that you both are saying and
understanding the same thing.
Good radio communication must become second nature to you, in all phases of flight. When you are
taxiing, you need to be cognizant of wingtip clearances and exhaust blast (both from your aircraft and
others). If an abort is made, you need to transmit your intentions quickly and insure that you follow the
NATOPS procedures.
The emphasis of the FAM phase is to get familiar with the T-45, but good crew coordination is a part of
every flight.
When passing control between cockpits, always say, I have the controls, or you have the controls.
Never say, Ive got it. In the past, several instances have occurred when a pilot thought that Ive got it
meant that the other pilot had the aircraft, but what he was referring to was that he had acquired a visual
target, that he had the airfield in sight, or something similar to this. In these cases, no one was actually
flying the aircraft, because each pilot thought the other had control of the aircraft. Dont let this happen to
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