28 June 2001
The area's meaning to overall production at entitlement.
The baseline and the entitlement for the measure.
A specific event that delineates the start and stop for the
4. The definitions established by CNATRA for the various measures
within cockpit charts that provide CNATRA linkage to the NAPT are in
Attachment 1.
5. Areas not covered in the CNATRA definitions but elected for
measurement at a TRAWING or below level must be defined in writing.
These written definitions must be coordinated among similar TRAWINGs
to assure that a common definition of a given area is arrived at and
agreed upon. This will assure that the ability to "drill down" occurs
and that consistent information is displayed. Once coordinated,
TRAWING specific definitions should be attached to this instruction.
TRAWING Definitions will be maintained in Attachment 2.
6. Definitions from other TRAWINGs should be collected by CNATRA and
distributed to all TRAWINGs. These definitions should be reviewed for
Cycles of Learning and will be maintained in Attachment 3.
7. Once the appropriate measures are agreed upon and defined, those
responsible for provision of the data for the measures must be clearly
identified. The next section of this instruction is an "Ideal" matrix
suggesting the responsible parties for data collection and submission
at the wing level. Individual TRAWINGs may elect to assign Process
Ownership and Data Provision Responsibilities as the TRAWING Commander
directs. The accompanying matrix should be completed and filed with
this instruction.