23 February 2005
(5) Monitor classroom practices and instructional
(6) Serve as principal liaison and coordinator for
curriculum development and training appraisal.
b. Coordinate and assist the review and development of
ATIs/IGs assigned to their TRAWING with the assigned SMs/CMs.
This review will be completed prior to the phase curriculum
c. Coordinate development, implementation, and evaluation
of simulator training curriculum.
210. Curriculum Instruction Standards Office (CISO). TRAWING
training departments are not considered a CISO in reference (d);
however, as a minimum, each TRAWING training department will
perform the curriculum, instruction, and evaluation functions of
reference (d) for academic training. CISO requirements for
flight training are covered by CNATRA programs of Aviation
Safety, NATOPS, Standardization, periodic All Officer/Instructor
Meetings (AOMs/AIMs), safety stand-downs, and the requirements
of this instruction. These are designed to enhance safety and
increase quality of flight training.
211. All Flight Instructors and Students. All training command
personnel are part of the CNATRA Training program Improvement
Team and should provide suggestions to improve each course of
instruction when necessary. Inputs should be made via the TIP
routing on a TCR form, CNATRA 1550/19 (303) (Figures 3.1 and
3.2), included in this instructions. It is the input from each
instructor and student involved with the day to day execution of
student naval aviator training which will ensure the NATRACOM
continues to train aviators based on lessons learned and known
best practices.