23 February 2005
(2) A Course Manager (CM) is a USN, USMC or USCG flight
instructor or civilian academic instructor assigned to a
particular squadron or TRAWING, nominated by the TRAWING
commander and designated by CNATRA. A CM has certain designated
responsibilities for their assigned course within the NATRACOM.
COMTRAWING SIX is authorized to nominate USAF
flight instructors as SM/CMs. Nomination for
current USAF SM/CM relief shall be a USN or USMC
flight instructor. No more than 50 percent of all
TRAWING SIX SM/CM billets may be filled by USAF
flight instructors.
b. Responsibilities. All SM/CM tasking shall be via the
appropriate CCMM or PTO. SMs/CMs shall report via their chain
of command for the following (as appropriate):
(1) Coordinating with all other TRAWING standardization
officers and the CNATRA PTO within the phase on issues
pertaining to his/her stage(s)/course(s). CMs at NAVAVSCOLSCOM
will coordinate with the Primary TRAWINGs and CNATRA (N317) for
academic issues.
(2) Coordinating and submitting revisions and interim
changes to the appropriate instructions (CNATRAINST 1542.XXX),
FTIs, academic training publications, PAT pubs, CAI, and
up-to-date flight support lecture guides for all units within
their stage(s)/course(s).
(3) Hosting pertinent portions of curriculum conferences
as called by CNATRA, reference Appendix C.
(4) Reviewing and revising all test questions annually.
Test questions will be updated or added to the TMS or TIMS test
editor and be used for the stage "standardization" examination
for SNA/SNFO/IUT stage lectures and instructor pilot (IP)
standardization requalification.
(5) Serving as the CNATRA SME for such projects as
development of audiovisual, CAI, academic, and flight support
(6) Enhancing inter-TRAWING standardization by visiting
other units to gather and exchange new ideas. These visits
shall be conducted as necessary with a minimum of four visits
annually. SMs shall fly with other units within their pipeline
to facilitate this exchange. Visits will be preceded with
correspondence (electronic mail is acceptable) to the TRAWING
and/or Squadron being visited for coordination purposes.
(7) A complete listing of responsibilities and
requirements is available in Appendix D.