14 October 2003
the TCR form (page 2) prior to forwarding. Comments may be made
by the commanding officer, delegated, or left blank if no input
is required. Submission of all ideas is encouraged since a TCR
idea which appears flawed may stimulate further thought and can
ultimately result in improvements to the process. It is
understood that everyone may not agree with each TCR; however,
they should be forwarded as written.
b. The standard flow of the TCR form is in accordance with
Figure 3.4. Normally, a TCR form will be submitted to the SM/CM,
Squadron Stan Officer, or Squadron Training Officer. The
Training Officer or a member of the training department will
research the TCR. The Training Officer will make recommendations
or submit solutions from the squadron level. A copy of the TCR
and recommendations will be filed by the Training Officer and the
original TCR forwarded to the appropriate SM/CM.
The Training Officer is highly encouraged to
present all recommendations or solutions to the
squadron commander prior to forwarding the TCR
to the SM/CM. This will allow the individual
squadron commanders immediate input and prevent
future delays in implementation.
The SM/CM will do any additional research, make any necessary
inputs, and give recommendations on all TCRs for their stage or
course. Following any inputs, the SM/CM will forward the
original TCR to the CCC. The CCC will do any additional
research, make any necessary inputs, and give recommendations on
all TCRs. A copy of the TCR and recommendations will be filed by
the CCC and the original TCR forwarded to the PTO via CNATRA (N35).
c. CNATRA PTOs shall receive all TCRs from their
respective CCC, other TRAWINGs, and FRSs as appropriate. PTOs
shall log in all TCRs and assign a control number (see paragraph
303.e(1) for tracking purposes. Based on CCC and SM/CM inputs on
the TCR or via conference, the PTO shall determine the urgency of
the change. If deemed Urgent or Critical, the change will be
incorporated via interim change or equivalent message. If not
deemed Urgent or Critical, the PTO will advise the CCC, SM/CM,
and all affected squadrons that the TCR has been received and is
awaiting the next scheduled curriculum conference. This may be
done via electronic mail or via the quarterly log distribution
(see paragraph 303.d). The squadron training officer (if
applicable), CCC, and PTO shall maintain a duplicate file of each
TCR and its related comments as per Figure 3.5.
d. The PTO shall maintain a log with each TCR control
number, a brief subject line, and current TCR status. This log
will ensure that no TCRs are ignored or lost while being