18 May 1999
2. Assigned to the command master chief for
counseling, berthing assignment, and partial enlisted uniform
3. Transferred to Recruit Training Center (RTC),
Orlando, FL, to report in appropriate civilian attire for
classification, outfitting and to await transfer to ultimate duty
station. Members will attend NAVET classes in lieu of recruit
(b) Navy Accessions. Enlisted Navy accession NAVCADs
who attrite for any reason other than physical may retain their
enlisted rate/rating and will incur a minimum two year active
duty obligation. Enlisted members may incur additional obligated
service as a result of a previous enlistment con-tract. PERSUPP
DETs will submit an enlisted availability report to NPC and
member will be assigned duties commensurate with his/her
rate/rating while awaiting transfer. See Chapter X, subparagraph
1001.b on evaluation requirements.
(c) Other Service Accessions. Other service enlisted
accession NAVCADs who attrite for any reason other than physical
will incur a minimum two year active duty obligation. Personnel
in this category may be released to their former branch of
service, if accepted. Otherwise, they will be retained in the
Navy and assigned a rate/rating by NPC. Additional obligated
service may be incurred as result of a previous enlistment