Standard-Rate Turns
A standard rate turn (SRT) is any turn occurring at the rate of three degrees per second. When
beginning a SRT, a three-second lead is used, and the rate of turn is checked to ensure 30 of
heading change occurs in every 10 seconds. At 160 KIAS, approximately 27 angle of bank, and
a two-needle width deflection will be required for a SRT. Roll into the turn using the vertical
gyro indicator for both wing and nose attitude. The nose attitude is crosschecked with the
altimeter and vertical speed indicator. Angle of bank corrections will be made to maintain the
proper rate of turn (do not exceed 30 AOB). Add power as necessary to maintain airspeed.
One-Half Standard-Rate Turn
A one-half standard-rate turn (1/2 SRT) is a turn at the rate of one and one-half degrees per
second. When beginning a 1/2 SRT, a three-second lead is used and the rate of turn is checked
to ensure that 30 degrees of heading change occurs in every 20 seconds. To establish the turn,
roll into an angle of bank approximately equal to one-tenth of the indicated airspeed, and
maintain a one-needle width turn. The 1/2 SRT is similar to the SRT except that 30 of heading
change will require 20 seconds instead of 10 seconds.
The rules of thumb stated above for determining the angle of bank
for SRTs and 1/2 SRTs are approximations based on typical
working altitudes (15,000 - 20,000 feet). Actual turn performance
is dependent on true airspeed; therefore, angle of bank
requirements for a given indicated airspeed will vary slightly with
These maneuvers are designed to build the aircrew's scan through numerous transitions, and to
illustrate the precision required to perform the maneuvers correctly. The relationship between
"power controls altitude" and "the nose controls airspeed" will be reinforced by these maneuvers.
Constant Rate Climb And Descents
Constant rate climbs and descents will be flown at 180 KIAS and 1000 FPM rate of climb or
Constant Rate Climb
Establish the aircraft in straight and level flight at 180 KIAS (pattern cruise) trimmed up.
Three seconds prior to the 12 on the clock add power approximately 5% and raise the nose
to the climbing attitude (approximately 3 above the 180 KIAS level flight attitude or 5
degrees above the horizon bar). Maintain 180 KIAS by adjusting the nose attitude and
maintain 1000 fpm rate of climb by adjusting power as necessary. Climb for 2000 feet, or
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