as directed by the instructor, at a constant rate of 1000 fpm. A 1000 fpm rate of climb is
maintained by referencing the clock and the altimeter (250 feet of climb each 15 second).
Ten percent of the rate of climb prior to leveloff (25 feet), simultaneously lower the nose
to the level flight attitude and reduce power to that required for level flight.
Constant Rate Descent
To descend at 1,000 FPM, 3 seconds prior to the 12 on the clock, reduce the power
approximately 4% below that which is required to maintain 180 KIAS, simultaneously
lowering the nose to -1 nose down. Maintain 180 KIAS by adjusting the nose attitude and
maintain 1000 FPM rate of descent by adjusting power as necessary. A 1000 FPM rate of
descent is maintained by referencing the clock and the altimeter (250 feet of descent will
occur each 15 seconds). Ten percent of the rate of descent prior to level off, simultaneously
raise the nose to the pattern cruise attitude and add power to approximately 80% RPM.
While power primarily controls rate of climb or descent, nose
attitude primarily controls airspeed. Power and attitude corrections
are not mutually exclusive. For example, if an airspeed that is 10
knots slow is encountered while maintaining a 1000 fpm rate of
descent, then the nose should be lowered in order to regain the
desired airspeed. However, if no corresponding addition of power
is made, an increase in rate of descent, as well as the desired
increase in airspeed will occur. It is therefore important to
remember a correction made in the attitude of the aircraft will
require a corresponding correction in power, and that a power
correction will require a corresponding correction in attitude.
S-1 Pattern
This pattern is flown at pattern cruise (180 KIAS) and consists of a descent of 1000' at a constant
rate of 1000 fpm, followed immediately by a climb of 1000' at a constant rate of climb of 1000
fpm. Repeating the descent and climb sequence completes the pattern. A constant heading is
maintained throughout the pattern (Figure 1-9). The maneuver is accomplished as follows:
Three seconds prior to the 12 on the clock, reduce the power approximately 4% to establish the
desired rate of descent, simultaneously lowering the nose smoothly to the descending attitude
(approximately a 3 change in nose attitude to maintain airspeed).
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