It is not necessary to wait for a response from Base before switching to Ground for taxi:
STUDENT (UHF): "Ground, ROKT 204, taxi with delta."
GROUND (UHF): "ROKT 204, taxi to runway 7R, altimeter 3002."
STUDENT (UHF): "ROKT 204, taxi runway 7R, 3002."
The OUI will then give the a taxi plan to the IP on the ICS:
STUDENT (ICS): "Make a right on Delta, a left on Alpha, and taxi to the hold short for 7R."
After verifying the turn needle and ball are working during taxi and all other items on the
Instrument Checklist are operating properly (i.e., TACAN and BDHI), the OUI will report the
Poststart and Instrument Checklists complete:
STUDENT (ICS): "Poststart and Instrument Checklist complete."
Next the OUI will give a "Taxi Report":
STUDENT (ICS): "Taxi Report: PT-5 is 62, squawk 1020, altimeter 2995, showing 20 feet in
IP (ICS): "Roger, squawking 1020, altimeter 2995, showing 20 feet in standby."
(Max allowable altimeter deviation is 75 feet between cockpits).
STUDENT (ICS): "Departure brief: At 1 DME, turn right 150, climb and maintain 3000 feet."
After the taxi report, the student will initiate the Takeoff Checklist by challenging the IP on each
item in the checklist. The IP will "reply" to each student "challenge." If the student notes no
disparity, he will proceed to the next item. Always remember to CHALLENGE, REPLY, and
STUDENT (Challenge)
IP (Reply)
"Idle stop."
"Pitot heat."
"Windshield anti-ice."
"Fuel transfer."
"Off, balls up, caps down."
"In, in, and zero."
"One half."
"Eject select."
"Forward, lights out."
"Harness and lap belts."
"Locked and tight."
"Down, locked, lights out."
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