On most occasions, the canopy is left open until taking the runway for departure. If this is the
case, the IP reply to the student challenge of "Canopy" will be "Holding Canopy." Realize the
Takeoff Checklist is therefore not yet complete.
Approaching the hold short area, the OUI will switch the UHF radio to Tower and call for T/O.
STUDENT (UHF): "Tower, ROKT 204, Takeoff."
TOWER (UHF): "ROKT 204, winds 040 at 10, change to departure, cleared takeoff runway
STUDENT (UHF): "ROKT 204, cleared takeoff 7R, switching departure."
Once cleared to take the runway, either for "takeoff" or for "position and hold", it is the student's
responsibility to initiate the lowering of the canopy and to finish the Takeoff Checklist.
STUDENT: "Clear for canopy."
IP: "Roger, canopy coming down."
The instructor starts lowering the canopy. This will take approx. 8-10 seconds during which
time the flight is taxiing onto the active runway. The groove will be cleared during this time and
the IFF/strobes will be moved to their appropriate position for takeoff.
STUDENT: "Groove clear, check squawk on/stby and strobes on/off."
IP: "Squawking normal/standby and strobes on/off."
Once the canopy is down and the canopy light is off, the student will again challenge to
complete the final step of the takeoff checklist:
STUDENT: "Canopy."
IP: "Down, locked, light out."
STUDENT: "T/O checks complete."
Once the aircraft is positioned on runway centerline, the student will ensure the BDHI is aligned
and slaved. At military power, the student will verify all instruments are operating within limits
and all warning and caution lights are extinguished.
STUDENT: "Warning and caution lights out, good PT-5, engine instruments look good."
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